Player's damage was scaling a bit slower than i wanted, so strength canisters were buffed, all player items scaling was increased, buffed some weapon mods damag...
• The game was leaking memory all over the place, 4000 unused nodes just eating my memory, and useless turn system checks that cause lag, now this is no longe...
-Added a shop to the main menu, from which you can unlock 8 more hats -You gain gold for the shop by killing enemies -some minor bug fixes and 2 weapons changed...
Alot of quality of life changes and Hats Hats give beneficial effects (while looking cool) for the rest of the run, however you can't change them once you start...
Small update, a couple of improvements mainly aimed at the weapons' stats menu so it becomes more pleasant to look at and 4 weapon mods plus 5 badges...
Ah weapons, one of the main ways to play the game, the issue with them is that they were too stale because every copy of the same weapon had 100% identical stat...